Sunday, 21 June 2015

Days of Significance- June 21

Rose-Marie was celebrating Yule.

And honestly, this recipe is all you really need to know about that.

Gingernut Ripple Cake

300g thickened cream
2 tbsp icing sugar (I left it out but it's a holyday, so if you want sugar, eat sugar!)
1 tsp vanilla extract
250g ginger nut biscuits (and by biscuits, of course I mean cookies.)
A wee bit of ginger powder

Beat cream, sugar and vanilla extract within an inch of it's life. Use it to cement the biscuits together into an attractive Yule log arrangement. Cover the lot with more cream because you can't have too much cream unless you're lactose intolerant and sprinkle with the wee bit of ginger powder.

Rose-Marie was one of those enthusiastic planners who began researching when she was pregnant with her first. She wanted to homeschool because it sounded like an affordable adventure, then she met her kids personally...
Her young daughter has Echolalia, dyscalculia and some processing issues so isn't speaking fluently yet; but she is making good progress as they work and play in Central Victoria, Australia.

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