Saturday, 26 April 2014

Religious Calendar Curriculum- January

- Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God

*This occasion began yesterday at dusk, and is not just a holy day of obligation, but a Solemnity, which is the highest ranked of all occasions, according to the Roman Catholic church. This day is also observed by some Lutherans and Anglicans.
*This day honours Mary as the mother of God and the Queen of Peace. Catholics are obliged to go to Mass unless that obligation has been waived in their diocese.
*Read suitable sections of 'Mary' by Demi
- Day of St Basil the Great

*This Saint's day is observed by the Eastern Orthodox church today, though the same man is celebrated by other denominations on other days.
*Also known as Basil of Caesarea, he attained the rank of a Doctor of the Church (which means he was a very learned man,) was a Bishop, did a lot of charity work and is the Patron saint of hospital administrators.

-Jewish Shabbat (begins at sunset the night before)
*Observed by all observant Jews, this is a day of rest to commemorate all the work God put into making the universe. How much resting and avoidance of work depends on the family culture. Yesterday, of course, lots of work went into preparation because no one can take a full day off running a house unless they have already done the needed work. Otherwise, what would everyone eat?
*Read one of the Shabbat books we have or play with Shopping for Shabbos, or the Shabbat Felt Playtime, or colour pages from the Dover Jewish Holidays and Traditions colouring book.

- Sunday Church services- Holy Days of Obligation for Catholics, encouraged for nearly all other Christians
*Read a picture book, colour a colouring page from The Mass Colouring Book or something printed out from one of the Catholic sites online.

- The Epiphany of the Lord (Roman Catholic) aka The Feast of the Theophany (Orthodox)

*This day is a Solemnity in the Catholic Church. Both the Roman Catholics and the Orthodox are celebrating "the revelation of God the Son as a human being in Jesus Christ" to quote Wikipedia. The Catholics focus more on the Magi (Three Wise Men) visiting baby Jesus, and Jesus' appearing to the Gentiles, whereas the Orthodox focus more on his baptism in the Jordan river.

*Read 'The Theophany of the Lord' by Sister Elayne

-Jewish Shabbat (begins at sunset the night before)
*Observed by all observant Jews, this is a day of rest to commemorate all the work God put into making the universe. How much resting and avoidance of work depends on the family culture. Yesterday, of course, lots of work went into preparation because no one can take a full day off running a house unless they have already done the needed work. Otherwise, what would everyone eat?
*Read one of the Shabbat books we have or play with Shopping for Shabbos, or the Shabbat Felt Playtime, or colour pages from the Dover Jewish Holidays and Traditions colouring book.

- Sunday Church services- Holy Days of Obligation for Catholics, encouraged for nearly all other Christians
*Read a picture book, colour a colouring page from The Mass Colouring Book or something printed out from one of the Catholic sites online.

-The Baptism of the Lord

*This is a Catholic feast day which commemorates the Baptism of Jesus in the Jordan River by St John the Baptist. Remember the Orthodox celebrated that last week?

-Beginning of the first season of Ordinary Time 
*The Catholic calendar has a season dedicated to Christmas, one dedicated to Easter, and in between are the seasons of Ordinary Time. The liturgical colour is green, which means the priests wear green and the church is decorated with green hangings unless there is an extra special occasion- then they'll use the colours appropriate to that occasion instead.

-Makar Sankranti and Pongal

* These are Hindu celebrations. They usually fall on this date, but sometimes the day before or after and in some areas it is celebrated over several days.
*This is a harvest festival and also marks the arrival of Spring. It is celebrated almost all over India and Nepal, sometimes under different names, though Makar Sankranti is the most widespread name. In the south of India, many people worship the sun god on this day, wear new clothes, eat a pudding called Pongal which can be either sweet or spicy, honour the role of cattle in their lives and women decorate their houses with designs made of rice flour and red clay. In the north people clean out their houses, wear new clothes, give gifts, make offerings of food to ancestors, pray, decorate their homes with colours and flowers, play games, and eat special foods.
*Colouring page and perhaps make some Pongal to eat.

-Tu Bi-Shevat
*This is the Jewish "New Year for the Trees" and many Jews plant trees to celebrate the occasion. Like Jewish observances in general, it begins at sundown and will continue until sundown tomorrow night.
-*Read 'Good Night, laila gov" by Laurel Snyder

-Tu Bi-Shevat began last night and ends at sunset tonight.

-Full Moon (Neo-Pagan)
*Some Pagans, particularly Wiccans, observe the full moon as a special time or shabbat.
*Read 'Aiden's First Full Moon Circle' by W. Lyon Martin

-Jewish Shabbat (begins at sunset the night before)
*Observed by all observant Jews, this is a day of rest to commemorate all the work God put into making the universe. How much resting and avoidance of work depends on the family culture. Yesterday, of course, lots of work went into preparation because no one can take a full day off running a house unless they have already done the needed work. Otherwise, what would everyone eat?
*Read one of the Shabbat books we have or play with Shopping for Shabbos, or the Shabbat Felt Playtime, or colour pages from the Dover Jewish Holidays and Traditions colouring book.

- Sunday Church services- Holy Days of Obligation for Catholics, encouraged for nearly all other Christians
*Read a picture book, colour a colouring page from The Mass Colouring Book or something printed out from one of the Catholic sites online.

-Jewish Shabbat (begins at sunset the night before)
*Observed by all observant Jews, this is a day of rest to commemorate all the work God put into making the universe. How much resting and avoidance of work depends on the family culture. Yesterday, of course, lots of work went into preparation because no one can take a full day off running a house unless they have already done the needed work. Otherwise, what would everyone eat?

-St Gregory the Theologian's Day

*This is an Eastern Orthodox observance.
*Also known as Gregory of Nazianzus, though that was his dad's name too, he was another Doctor of the Church and one of the Orthodox Church's Three Holy Hierarchs, along with St Basil and another chap, St John Chrystostom whose feast day is later in the year.
*Colour the only thing resembling a colouring page I could find of him individually.

- Sunday Church services- Holy Days of Obligation for Catholics, encouraged for nearly all other Christians
*Read a picture book, colour a colouring page from The Mass Colouring Book or something printed out from one of the Catholic sites online.

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Rose-Marie was one of those enthusiastic planners who began researching when she was pregnant with her first. She wanted to homeschool because it sounded like an affordable adventure, then she met her kids personally...
Her young daughter has Echolalia and some processing issues so isn't speaking fluently yet. Her young son has retained primitive reflexes and autism. While there may be a deity somewhere who knows what's going to happen with this kid, he/she/it hasn't chosen to inform us. They live on a hill in rural southern Australia without enough solar panels and like it there.

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