Saturday, 10 May 2014

Religious Calendar Curriculum- February


-Imbolc (Northern Hemisphere) Lammas (Southern Hemisphere)(Dates vary a little, there are the traditional dates and the astronomical dates, and people generally observe when it is convenient during this period)

*In the Northern Hemisphere, many neo-Pagans are celebrating Imbolc, which is the first of the Spring festivals. Some people, particularly the Wiccans, tell this story about their god and goddess: "The Lord is a small boy and the Lady continues her recovery from childbirth. The Earth is warming and waking up.  The Maiden is awakening within Her as spring blooms upon the warming Earth. The God is the Prince - young and growing. The Sun is brightening and chasing away the last of winter's cold." Many, particularly in Ireland and those who follow a Celtic path, honour the goddess Brigid, who is also honoured by many Christians as Saint Brigid. It is a festival about home, purification and the lengthening of the days. Here in the Southern Hemisphere, neo-Pagans are celebrating Lammas.

*Read the Imbolc section of 'Rupert's Tales' by Kyrja and a colouring page from the matching activity book

*Go to the laundromat to wash blankets, since that's what I do on Lammas.

-Jewish Shabbat (begins at sunset the night before)

*Observed by all observant Jews, this is a day of rest to commemorate all the work God put into making the universe. How much resting and avoidance of work depends on the family culture. Yesterday, of course, lots of work went into preparation because no one can take a full day off running a house unless they have already done the needed work. Otherwise, what would everyone eat?


-'The Presentation of Jesus at the Temple' aka Candlemas

*On this day beeswax candles are blessed by priests in the Catholic church for use throughout the year. This is also one of the twelve great feasts in the Eastern Orthodox Church.

*Read 'The Meeting of Our Lord' by Sister Elayne

- Sunday Church services- Holy Days of Obligation for Catholics, encouraged for nearly all other Christians


-Jewish Shabbat (begins at sunset the night before)
*Observed by all observant Jews, this is a day of rest to commemorate all the work God put into making the universe. How much resting and avoidance of work depends on the family culture. Yesterday, of course, lots of work went into preparation because no one can take a full day off running a house unless they have already done the needed work. Otherwise, what would everyone eat?

*Read one of the Shabbat books we have or play with Shopping for Shabbos, or the Shabbat Felt Playtime, or colour pages from the Dover Jewish Holidays and Traditions colouring book.


- Sunday Church services- Holy Days of Obligation for Catholics, encouraged for nearly all other Christians

*Read a picture book, colour a colouring page from The Mass Colouring Book or something printed out from one of the Catholic sites online.


-Full Moon (Neo-Pagan)

*Some Pagans, particularly Wiccans, observe the full moon as a special time.

*Read 'Aiden's First Full Moon Circle' by W. Lyon Martin

-Jewish Shabbat (begins at sunset the night before)

*Observed by all observant Jews, this is a day of rest to commemorate all the work God put into making the universe. How much resting and avoidance of work depends on the family culture. Yesterday, of course, lots of work went into preparation because no one can take a full day off running a house unless they have already done the needed work. Otherwise, what would everyone eat?


- Sunday Church services- Holy Days of Obligation for Catholics, encouraged for nearly all other Christians

*Read a picture book, colour a colouring page from The Mass Colouring Book or something printed out from one of the Catholic sites online.


-Jewish Shabbat (begins at sunset the night before)

*Observed by all observant Jews, this is a day of rest to commemorate all the work God put into making the universe. How much resting and avoidance of work depends on the family culture. Yesterday, of course, lots of work went into preparation because no one can take a full day off running a house unless they have already done the needed work. Otherwise, what would everyone eat?

*Read one of the Shabbat books we have or play with Shopping for Shabbos, or the Shabbat Felt Playtime, or colour pages from the Dover Jewish Holidays and Traditions colouring book.


- Sunday Church services- Holy Days of Obligation for Catholics, encouraged for nearly all other Christians

*Read a picture book, colour a colouring page from The Mass Colouring Book or something printed out from one of the Catholic sites online.

Rose-Marie was one of those enthusiastic planners who began researching when she was pregnant with her first. She wanted to homeschool because it sounded like an affordable adventure, then she met her kids personally...

Her young daughter has Echolalia and some processing issues so isn't speaking fluently yet; but she is making good progress as they work and play in Central Victoria, Australia.

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